Make sense who may. I switch off.
Samuel Beckett
The Irish landscape is rich in colour, majestic and occasionally dangerous for the unwary traveller. The Cliffs of Moher thrust out of the Atlantic Ocean as great bulwark against the ferocious storms that pound the coastline, and carved their fury into the cliff face.
A fenced pathway and local rangers are there to keep visitors away from the cliff edge but as many clamber over the fence as those that trod obediently along the safe route. Wind gusts and crumbling edges can catch the unwary, and many people have plunged to an untimely death here. But the sense of freedom and exhilaration of sitting on the edge of Ireland is hard to resist while we ate our simple lunch and enjoyed the view.
Not content with the danger on the cliff tops, Irish surfers plunge down massive walls of water at the cliff base to challenge nature on the water’s edge as well. We loved the view but we will leave the surfing to the Irish.